Our Blog

We talk openly about emotional and mental health.

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Is 'Resilience training' really the answer to quell the record number of midwives and nurses leaving the NHS? anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Dec 09, 2019

There are record numbers of nurses and midwives leaving the NHS and they are stating intolerable stress and pressure as the reasons, according to separate reports by the RCM and RCN.*


The numbers of nurses and midwives at a glance appear to be up because recruitment drives are bearing fruit, sho...

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What will we learn from the Telford and Shrewsbury maternity scandal? anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Nov 25, 2019

It was very upsetting to read about one of the biggest maternity scandals ever at Shrewsbury and Telford hospital trust last week. 40 years of ‘toxic’ culture within the maternity services there has lead to the uncovering 326 cases of suspected poor care.


‘Bill Kirkup, who chaired the Morecambe ...

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What do parents really want from a Debrief or Listening service? anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Oct 28, 2019

I started surveying parents about their debriefing experiences about a year ago.

My reason for the survey was because as a therapist working with traumatised parents I often heard that they had under gone a debrief with their HCP  and that very often it had been a re-traumatising process that had b...

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Why are our birth stories so important? anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Oct 22, 2019

Ever stopped to think why our birth stories are so important? No matter how many years that pass, we will always remember the day our children came into the world.

The number 37 bus was stuck in thick traffic as it inched from Richmond to Isleworth on that damp and slightly depressing afternoon. I ...

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Is the way you think about emotional wellness antiquated? anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Jun 18, 2019

To be a part of such a huge and tangible difference to a person’s emotional wellness and parenting journey is no small thing. Witnessing these kinds of transformation is magical, life changing and humbling all in one go. I am very lucky to have received feedback from most of the parents that I have ...

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How can a Doula support parents after a difficult birth experience? anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Apr 10, 2019

Here guest blogger, doula and Nurturing Birth course facilitator, Sophie Brigstocke, explains just some of the ways a doula can bring relief to parents hit by a difficult birth experience.


As a doula, I hope that every woman will have a truly positive birth.  I hope that she will feel listened t...

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What can Dia de Muerta teach us about birth trauma? anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Aug 14, 2018

The change in weather here in Hounslow, West London has meant we have come inside for our summer holiday entertainment. A welcome break from sunscreen, water fights and constant requests for ice cream.

My daughter was keen to watch the Disney film Coco again. Have you seen it? It’s brilliant! We sa...

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6 Reasons why the TBR 3-step training is the best investment you can make anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Jan 07, 2018


1. Over 30% of all parents describe their birth as traumatic* and so it could potentially affect a 3rd of all of your clients if you are a birth professional or perinatal specialist. If you don’t currently know about the s...

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