6 Reasons why the TBR 3-step training is the best investment you can make

anxiety college depression emotional wellbeing perinatal pna pnd post natal prenatal recovery therapy trauma traumatic birth Jan 07, 2018


1. Over 30% of all parents describe their birth as traumatic* and so it could potentially affect a 3rd of all of your clients if you are a birth professional or perinatal specialist. If you don’t currently know about the signs or symptoms that can remain as a result of a difficult birth then you are unable to confidently support them in their recovery. The skills gained at the 2 day Traumatic Birth Recovery, 3 Step Rewind Method workshop will enhance your services and offering to many potential clients who have been effected by a traumatic birth experience.

*according to the birthtraumaassociation.org

2. We all know about the importance of continuity of care for mums and dads throughout the perinatal period but this shouldn’t just apply to midwives. Antenatal teachers, doulas and other private practitioners who work extensively with mums and dads before and during their birth but then have no skills to support them if they experience a traumatic birth.

3. If you teach birth preparation in any form to second time parents who have experienced a traumatic birth in the past then it essential to be able to lift the fear and anxiety that remains from that time, for them to be able to positively plan for their next birth. This course teaches a gentle but transformative technique that neutralises fear and other limiting feelings about birth so that parents can experience a better birth next time.

4. The more birth professionals who are aware of birth trauma, it’s symptoms, effects and effective treatment the more we are all able to break down the barriers to recovery that parents in this situation face. By gaining the skills and knowledge in this area we are all able to become the change that we wish to see in maternity and perinatal mental health services.

5. I believe that much of the culture of fear that surrounds birth is due in a large part to the fact that many midwives and other birth professionals are carrying trauma symptoms with them in to their work. Having these skills enables us to treat ourselves and ensure that we work cleanly with birthing parents and don’t unnecessarily share any fear that we may have experience in the past.

6. I passionately believe that it should be birth professionals (midwifes, doulas, antenatal teachers, breastfeeding counsellors) who already have relationships, and rapport with parents and understand NHS maternity services who should be able to offer treatment to parents who would like to move past the PTSD symptoms that can remain after a traumatic birth. I love hearing the stories of success from those who have already trained and who are already using their skills to support parents in their recovery.

Will this be you soon in 2018?

Louise Nunn, Perinatal Health Midwife, who recently attended the course remarked:ā€Ø

‘I’ve been meaning to let you know that I’ve now done 4 sessions of the Rewind technique with clients, all as part of my NHS role. They’d all been referred to my clinic with birth anxiety due to a previous traumatic birth. I had met them all at least once before and offered the session to them and explained what it was, and I’ve followed them up by telephone afterwards. I’ve had some lovely feedback from the mums, which is fantastic – and I’m so relieved! I’m so excited about being a practitioner as I’m really going to be able to enhance the care and support I can offer to women and help them have a positive pregnancy and birth this time round, thank you Alex! I’ve got 3 more mums booked in for sessions later this month and will keep you posted how they go… ‘


Lucy Shutes Doula, Hypnobirth Teacher, Breastfeeding Supporter took the course 5 months ago, she said…..

‘I have used the technique on several occasions within my role as a Hypnobirthing practitioner, birth doula and breast feeding supporter.  I feel more confident in my practise as a Hypnobirthing practitioner, knowing that I can offer a technique that has the power to unlock destructive feelings associated with a negative and often traumatic experience, helping the client regain their trust and confidence in themselves. It has, and continues to take me by surprise by the simple, yet dramatic effect it can have on these client(s). I have seen these clients go on to have great empowering births, or make a break-through with breast feeding issues by embracing this technique.’


Steph Grainger, Doula and Hypnoptherapist and Owner of The Nest, said after training:

‘So you may remember last week working with my client. I’ve just done session three with her and she’s doing amazingly well.

SUDS scale – Guilt went from 10 – 2 and Fear of death – 7 – 1

She looks so light and free!. She spent time with a pregnant friend recently and amazed herself at how she could revisit her birth and be ok with it.

Just wonderful to see such a transformation.’

Get in touch today to find out about booking on to the next Traumatic Birth Recovery 3 Step Rewind 2 day by emailing [email protected]